Saturday, July 18, 2009

My treasury

I finally figured out how to make a treasury! Yea me!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I love my new wall paper!

I just found the greatest blog ever!
Isn't it wonderful?
Thank you for the wall paper! It's awesome! :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Making pretzels from scratch

My kids are spoiled little beasts! They know I know how to make home made pretzels and they bug me for them at the most inopportune times.
See........... pretzels take lots of steps. You don't just bake em' or they'd just be bread. The trick is to boil them!
So..... I first have to get the dough mixed. During that time one of them will spill the flour and we have to take a 20 minute break to clean it up. Then let it rise for an hour. Not an easy task for bread when you have a few teenagers checking in every 10 seconds to see if it is " fat" yet....
Then the boiling, then baking.
They love then and I like making homemade treats but really! all that work and they are gone in 20 minutes! I'll post a few pics of it later if I can figured out how!

fixed it

Ok . Now I only have 1. I have a ton of orders to finish so I guess I'll go get started on that and write more later. One question though...... anyone wanna explain how to put patterns and pics up to share? Thanks, Debi :)

TWO blogs

Well it now seems the reason I was having so much trouble is that I now have TWO blogs?
Anyone know how to combine them or delete one?

I finally figured this out..... a little! :)

Well I've been trying to get aa blog set up forever and I think I finally figured out how. Or at least figured out how to add a picture! LOL
If you enjoy watching someone stumble through setting a blog up then mine will be a favorite! :)